Thursday, October 30, 2008

August 26, 2008- Update DNC One

Hello My Beautiful People,

I hope you all enjoyed the summer thus far and hopefully you are savoring the last few weeks!!

The Democratic Convention has finally descended upon us and I will admit until last night I had lost sight of the historical magnitude of what has been taking place over the last 19 months. I have been an political junkie for a minute now so the Convention was nothing really new to me; it was pretty normal blue and black suits with a splash of liberal color and style here and there, political pundits giving there two cents about everything and everyone, national and state senators, local legislatures making appearances and speeches hoping that they will leave an impression on the viewing audience in the event they make a big move in the future and so on.

I was deeply moved by Senator Ted Kennedy's speech for two reasons 1- because this may very well be his last convention and even though he said he would be there in January to see Barack's inauguration, there is a chance that he may not be the case. 2- his speech was a changing of the guard turning over the torch to the Debbie Wasserman Schultz's, the Jesse Jackson Jr.s (notice how J2 is making his best effort to NOT be viewed in the same ineffective light as his father) and the Harold Ford Jr.s. Great speeches, musical acts pretty much status quo. All going on with a banner on the bottom of the screen with the announcement of Michelle Obama's speech.

Until they showed an earlier recorded moment of a woman being mic checked looking palpalably nervous and serious, young techs fluttering around her que card people checking with her a bevy of movement... Then it hit me... That woman looks like me... The skin tone the hair, not the clothes (I haven't made it to that tax bracket yet) but she looks like ME!!!

I began to get nervous for her I thought about the importance the spouse plays in the election, how the role of the First Lady is to represent the person that her husband is to the world. How Hillary played her role well for the time she needed to, how if she had been the Hillary we know now how it would not have went well for Bill. How in 2004 you saw the beginning of the end of John Kerry's candidacy with Teresa's speech. Lady Bird Johnson, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, Laura Bush, Nancy Reagan all woman distinguished in their own right and all gave their husbands stong support and the world gracious candor.

Michelle Obama came to the stage and embodied those qualities. She spoke of her upbringing in "South Side Chicago", the parents that mentored and supported her, the lasting memory of her Father, the brother that dreamed with her and preceded her to Princeton and went on to his own success, the young presistent law staffer that wooed her with an ice cream cone and their historic journey to the White House.

Last night's speech was to set the tone for the week.... Last night's speech set the tone for this campaign!

"Growth is always worth the price you pay, because the alternative is a limited life with unfulfilled potential"- Anonymous

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